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Digital-lexikografische Kompetenz

In dem Jahrbuch Lexicographica 34/2018 ist der Beitrag "Plädoyer für die Entwicklung einer digital-lexikografischen Kompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht", den die COMBIDIGILEX-Teammitglieder Meike Meliss, María Egido Vicente und Manuel Fernández Méndez verfasst haben, erschienen. Er ist einer der acht Beiträge, die in dem thematischen Teil des Jahrbuches zu dem Thema "Internet lexicography and language teaching / Internetlexikographie und Sprachvermittlung" von Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus, Angelika Storrer und Janusz Taborek herausgegeben wurden. Seit dem 20.04.2019 steht das Jahrbuch 34/2018 auch online zur Verfügung.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to promote an explicit and active development ofdigital-lexicographical competence in foreign language teaching. The results of twoonline surveys conducted as part of the research project DICONALE-COMBIDIGILEXin connection with the teaching and learning process of German as a foreign language(= DaF) provide a comparative insight into the behaviour and attitude of bothteachers and learners of DaF on the topic “Use of lexicographical resources in theprocess of DaF-acquisition”. The evaluation of the surveys shows, that the digitallexicographicalcompetences in the process of DaF-acquisition must be promotedmore intensively, since the existing lexicographic offer is not optimally used forteaching purposes both on the part of the teachers and on the part of the learners.To this end, the following three main lexicographical competences will be examinedfrom a methodological-didactic and application-oriented perspective: (i) Adequateselection of the electronic resource regarding the communicative situation, (ii) developmentof disambiguation strategies for reception in L2 or translation from L2 and(iii) development of strategies for production and translation into L2. This researchwill ultimately lead to a debate on the use of the dictionary in the digital environmentin the DaF-teaching and discuss its actual influence on the learning process.

Keywords: online dictionary, research on dictionary use, lexicographical competences, DaF;

Schlagwörter: Online Wörterbücher, Wörterbuchbenutzungsforschung, lexikografische Kompetenzen, DaF;

Meliss, Meike / Egido Vicente, María / Fernández Méndez, Manuel (2019): Plädoyer für die Entwicklung einer digital-lexikografischen Kompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht. In: Lexicographica Jahrbuch 34/2018. Berlin/Boston, 123-156.

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